
What To Look For When Choosing A Mobile App Development Company

The number of smartphone users is growing exponentially. In 2021, there were nearly 15 billion mobile devices; that number is rough twice the world population! Given the increase in mobile phone use, the IT sector is also experiencing a massive boom. The mobile application development industry, in particular, is one of the highest growing IT fields today. And that poses a dilemma for businesses – how do you choose the right mobile app development company when you have too many options to choose from?  

Nearly all businesses today are looking to build mobile apps – whether startups or Fortune 500 companies. The right application will set you apart from your competitors, help you deliver enhanced customer service, and grow your business. Therefore, it is crucial that you choose the right company to develop a robust application for your business.  

This article explains seven factors you need to consider when choosing a mobile application development company.   

7 Things To Consider When Choosing A Mobile App Development Company  

1. Industry Expertise and Reputation  

The very first thing you need to consider is a company’s reputation and industry expertise. But before you do that, you need to determine the kind of mobile application you wish to build. Once that is done, look for the relevant industry experts – companies that excel in creating the sort of application you want.  

Here’s a list of questions you should answer before choosing an IT company for application development.  

  • What sets your app development partner apart from its competitors? More specifically, look for the core competencies of your app development company.  
  • Are the core competencies aligned with your app development goals?   
  • Does the company have the right combination of skillsets and resources to develop your application?  
  • Is mobile application development the company’s mainstay and strength?  

The goal of asking all these questions is to ensure that you onboard the right development partner. Ideally, it should be a company experienced in building mobile apps for various industries. Such companies have diverse skill sets and can understand your unique business much better than companies with narrow experience.  

2. Market Analysis  

Thousands upon thousands of iOS and Android mobile applications are released every year. But only some of them are successful; many fail within a year or two of their launch. While there can be multiple reasons for failure, an overriding cause is a lack of adequate market research and analysis.  

Therefore, building a successful app entails competitor analysis and market research. Conduct in-depth market research to analyze what your competitors are up to, how their apps perform, and their strengths and weaknesses. Also, try to onboard an app development company that can apprise you of the latest app trends in your field.    

3. Comprehensive Suite of Development Services  

Creating custom mobile apps goes beyond coding; it requires understanding your target market, endorsing ideas, and creating interactive user interfaces. Thus, you should choose a company that offers all these services.  

The aim is to select an app development partner that can create an app tailored to your specific business needs. At Xavor, we offer the following web and mobile app services:  

  • Native, hybrid, and progressive web app development  
  • API development and integration  
  • MVP  
  • Architecture design  
  • Interactive UI/UX design & development  
  • Responsive dashboards, web portals & monitoring systems development  
  • Ongoing maintenance & round-the-clock support  
  • Automated quality assurance and testing  

4. Use of Modern Technologies  

Software applications had limited scope back in the early 2000s. But today, these applications offer a lot more capabilities than their older counterparts. Applications have embedded themselves in our everyday lives; from weather forecasting and long-distance communication to chatbots and text-to-speech, applications are doing it all for us.  

All these functionalities, particularly automation of repetitive tasks, are the result of using modern technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, IoT, cloud computing, etc. Many businesses use these technologies to offer an enhanced and distinct user experience (UX).   

Not only this, but these apps are also used to streamline business processes, optimize costs, and execute operations efficiently. The healthcare industry uses modern applications to manage clinical workflows, doctor appointments, patients’ health tracking, inventory management, and much more.   

In other words, software apps have made their way into every industry, one way or another.  

5. Portfolio  

Seek a company that possesses a solid web app development portfolio. You can ask your potential partners about their expertise and past projects. Based on this information, you can decide whether to choose a company or not.   

But do not base your decision on the portfolio alone. Imagine that you’re looking to build a health monitoring app for your patients. But you should not reject a company just because they have never developed a health monitoring app. It might just be that they are perfectly capable of producing one for you.  

This is because while business needs vary significantly, the app development process remains the same mostly. Hence, don’t make portfolios your only deciding factor. Take a holistic approach and analyze all aspects of your partnership.  

6. Client-Focused  

It is really important that you go for a vendor that prioritizes you and your business needs. A big software company may have an exciting portfolio to share, but it might not give you the importance you need. So, bigger is not always better.  

Instead, go for a software house that offers a devoted and skilled team to create your business application for you. Such teams are responsive and offer a personalized experience. They are adept at producing tailored products and communicating well with clients. All this translates into a viable long-term B2B partnership.  

7. Confidentiality and Data Protection  

Cybersecurity is a rising concern for governments and organizations. In a tech-enabled and data-driven world, data security is of crucial importance. Therefore, you must prioritize confidentiality and look to partner up with a firm capable of protecting your data and interests.  

Moreover, your vendor should also safeguard your data from third-party access. The purpose of building a business application is to drive growth and profitability. If your data is compromised, somebody else may use that information to make money for themselves. Why risk such a breach?  

Thus, look for a company like Xavor that follows best practices and offers a robust NDA (non-disclosure agreement) policy.  


Digital transformation is the most defining feature of the 21st century. New opportunities are arising as modern technologies like AI and cloud computing disrupt industries. But you cannot make the most of this historical era without going digital.  

And building a good application for your company or your customers is one of the surest ways to enter the digital domain. It will help you deliver excellent customer service to your clients, gain access to business insights, and improve business outcomes.  

Xavor is a California-based firm with over 25 years of experience in developing top-notch digital solutions for its clients. Our clients range from startups to Fortune 500 companies. We have developed and launched over a hundred iOS and Android applications for various businesses.  

Are you looking to build an application for your business? If yes, you’ve come to the right place. Contact us at [email protected], and our team will get in touch with you shortly.  

What are you waiting for? Drop a line! 

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